Sunday, November 23, 2014

Some sues related to Rikako.

Ah... More Touhou sues.
These were made by SagashiIndustries on DeviantArt.
Note that I don't have much information on these, so this article will be very, very short.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Alex (Kirby OC)

More of Thefairy21's horrifying Kirby OCs is what we'll be judging now.

A gallery of Thefairy21's stolen art.

You can see all (or most) of his stolen art here.

(Psst, he might add to it later today.)

Kai and Jack (Kirby OCs)

Ohhhh god. OH MY DEAR GOD. I have more OCs by Thefairy21/TouhouProject123/Thefoxteam21 on Roblox.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014